Describes the characteristics and attributes of a variety of monsters, zombies, demons, giants, werewolves, animals, and aliens for use in the Dungeons and Dragons game Author: Gygax, Gary Publisher: TSR Binding: hardcover Language: english ISBN-10: 0880380314 ISBN-13: 8601406353862..
Science fiction series Gord the rogue Author: Gary Gygax Publisher: Ace Fantasy Books Binding: Paperback Language: English ISBN-10: 0441106366 ISBN-13: 9780441106363..
Gord and his companions enter a magical world ruled by the evil monster Tharizdun, who was responsible for the deaths of Gord's parents Author: Gygax, Gary Publisher: Ace Books Binding: Paperback Language: English ISBN-10: 0441114466 ISBN-13: 9780441114467..