Spanning the tumultuous years 1934 to 1948, John Lawton's A Lily of the Field is a brilliant historical thriller from a master of the form. The book follows two characters-Méret Voytek, a talented young cellist living in Vienna at the novel's start, and Dr. Karel Szabo, a Hungarian physicist interne..
Asperger Syndrome now affects an estimated 10 million children and adults in the United States. Here, Lawton takes an evenhanded look at AS, its development and symptoms, the biological and potential genetic components, the associated physical complaints, and how natural medicine can help. She inclu..
Through startling first-person narratives, a rare collection of photographs, and expert storytelling, a renowned authority traces the history of Auschwitz from World War II to the present day."In less than ten minutes all the fit men had been selected. . . .Of the more than 500 others, not one was l..
Investigating a series of brutal murders that target German refugee scientists as a means of cracking the Nazi atomic rocketry program, young Detective Sergeant Frederick Troy becomes enmeshed in a conspiracy by the OSS. A first novel. 35,000 first printing. $35,000 ad/promo. Author: Lawton, John Pu..
From School Library Journal Grade 9 Up-This no-nonsense volume deals with all aspects of the disease, including coping with feelings and relationships, day-to-day living with diabetes, and basic medical facts. The 59 chapters also include information on the condition in various ethnic groups and rel..
Book by Lawton, M. Powell Author: Lawton, M. Powell Publisher: Brooks/Cole Pub. Co Binding: Paperback Language: English ISBN-10: 0818503785 ISBN-13: 9780818503788..
This laboratory manual, suitable for biology majors or non-majors, provides a selection of lucid, comprehensive experiments that include excellent detail, illustration, and pedagogy. Author: Lawton, Steven M. Publisher: Brooks Cole Binding: Paperback Language: English ISBN-10: 0030326125 ISBN-13: 97..
Product Description With its encouraging tone, careful explanations, and abundance of carefully sequenced and incrementally challenging exercise sets, Odyssey enables readers to view writing as a means of discovering more about themselves and their surroundings. The text's organization and self-cont..
Robert Lawton Burns focuses on the key role of the 'producers' as the main source of innovation in this wide-ranging analysis of business trends in the manufacturing branch of the health care industry. Written by industry academics and executives, the book provides a detailed overview of the pharmac..
Written by Lawton R. Burns and a panel of expert contributors, from the prestigious Wharton School, The Health Care Value Chain analyzes the key developments and future trends in the United States' health care supply chain. Based on a groundbreaking research initiative underwritten by the industry/u..