Physics, once known as "natural philosophy," is the most basic science, explaining the world we live in, from the largest scale down to the very, very, very smallest, and our understanding of it has changed over many centuries. In Black Bodies and Quantum Cats, science writer Jennifer Ouellette trac..
IT at Your Service: Knowing and Keeping Your Clients Author: Ouellette, L. Paul Publisher: Kendall Hunt Pub Co Binding: Hardcover Language: English ISBN-10: 0787288322 ISBN-13: 9780787288327..
Discussing difficult concepts with exceptional clarity, this book integrates synthetic organic chemistry with medical, pharmaceutical, and biological chemistry, and helps readers clearly define the relationship of organic chemistry to their particular occupation. The book provides numerous problems,..
Prepared by the author, it includes a summary of key concepts for each chapter, complete solutions to all end-of-chapter exercises in the text, over 400 additional worked examples, and a tutorial on pushing electrons. Author: Ouellette, Robert J. Publisher: Prentice Hall Binding: Paperback Language:..
Designed for the critical media studies curriculum, The Media Studies Reader is an entry point into the major theories and debates that have shaped critical media studies from the 1940s to the present. Combining foundational essays with influential new writings, this collection provides a tool box f..
What do you do when a tumultuous storm enters your life Where do you turn when troubles mount like rising floodwaters In every wind of adversity, there is a God who desires to provide you with security, stability, and peace. He desires to anchor your heart, mind, and soul to the rock of His Word. ..