Examines the everyday experiences of high school seniors as they choose their colleges and demonstrates that college choice is a more complex social and organizational reality than has been previously understood. Author: McDonough, Patricia M. Publisher: State University of New York Press Binding: P..
The Fifth Edition of Classrooms That Work emphasizes a core set of ideas across a variety of timely topics, providing a comprehensive, balanced treatment of instructional reading methods for struggling and culturally diverse students.Best-selling authors Pat Cunningham’s and Dick Allington’s clear a..
The best endocrine review available for the USMLE Step 1The fourth edition of Endocrine Physiology provides comprehensive coverage of the basic science and anatomy behind endocrine function. With its focus on must-know principles, Endocrine Physiolology is the best review available for the USMLE Ste..
Once Fernanco has made his own paints and bought new brushes, he realizes that he has no paper, so he decides to brighten the whole village of Sabana Grande with his artwork. Author: Markun, Patricia M. Publisher: Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Binding: Hardcover Language: English ISBN-10: 0..
Completely revised and updated to include the latest practices and medication, Medical Dosage Calculations, 9/e maintains its user-friendly structure and offers nurses a comprehensive yet accessible drug calculation text and workbook. With over 1,000 practice problems, illustrative examples, critica..
Celebrating its 60th anniversary, Mosby’s Comprehensive Review of Nursing for the NCLEX-RN® Examination, 19th Edition is now completely reorganized and in full-color for an even better studying experience! Content is divided into units covering the core areas of medical-surgical, pediatric, maternit..
Temple Univ., Philadelphia, PA. Pocket-sized reference provides the practical application of assessment, guidelines to differentiate normal from abnormal, and methods to validate assessment findings. Includes the primary function of every system, developmental considerations, key facts for specific ..
Dillon delivers with a workbook that follows Nursing Health Assessment: A Critical Thinking, Case Studies Approach, 2nd Edition chapter by chapter. Pages are three-hole punched and perforated for ease of submission for educators’ review. Answers appear in the back of the book. But it’s far more than..
Take a fascinating, vibrantly illustrated journey through nursing! Journey through the nursing profession with Nursing, the Finest Art: An Illustrated History, 3rd Edition, by M. Patricia Donahue. This new edition traces the social, political and economic history of nursing from its origins through ..
Sixteen episodes about Little Richard, a rabbit, and his adventures with his other animal friends in the woods. Author: Scarry, Patricia M. Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers Binding: Hardcover Language: English ISBN-10: 039483268X ISBN-13: 9780394832685..
Written by an outstanding scholar, Phonics They Use, seamlessly weaves together the complex and varied strategic approaches needed to help students develop reading and writing skills and offers a collection of strategies and hands-on activities that provide a framework for teaching phonics. Building..
Proli Footwear, Inc. is a team based audit and fraud simulation involving the complete audit of a privately held footwear company. This simulation is designed to accompany any audit textbook used in the course and helps the participating students focus on identifying and solving a series of audit an..
Organized around a linguistically sound, programmed approach to teaching spelling, Dr. Fergus's text is well known for its clear writing and lucid discussion of the relationships of sound, word origin, and rules of spelling. With separate chapter coverage for each of 16 problem areas and with a buil..
This new book by the author of Steps to Follow describes the early rehabilitation of the patient who has sustained a traumatic brain injury or an equally severe lesion due to some other cause. Illustrated with some 600 photographs of actual patients, the broad spectrum of treatment, from the intensi..
To Pat Cunningham vocabulary isn't just a predictor for comprehension it is a reminder of how much meaning vocabulary matters and how complex it is to teach children meanings for words.In many ways, things are better in our schools for children who we used to call “underprivileged” and “disadvantage..
Pat Cunningham’s What Really Matters in Vocabulary, 2/e will help teachers increase the number of words students know meanings for-as well as the depth of meanings for those words-as a day-in, day-out, across-the-school-day priority. In it, teachers see how to make vocabulary come to life in the cla..